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Wineries & Cellar Doors

With over 35 Cellar Doors offering a choice of the 44 grape varietals grown in the region... where to begin?

Soil & Climate

Within the Mudgee Region a variety of microclimates and soils offer a diverse range of growing opportunities.


Whilst September is officially Wine Festival month, we’re big on celebrating all year round!


Explore our many partners who support the region.

The Mudgee Region

Standing on the small hill behind the Craigmoor Winery it can readily be understood why the original Aboriginal inhabitants named this part of Australia Moothi, which was Anglicised to Mudgee, meaning Nest in the Hills.

With a viticultural history that stretches back to 1858, Mudgee has played a key role in Australian viticultural history. Although primarily a producer of robust and deeply coloured red wines, Mudgee was the cradle in which a particularly good clone of Chardonnay lay unrecognised for over 50 years, a clone which some believe may have been a descendant of the Chardonnay introduced to Australia in 1832 by James Busby.

A sunset over a hillside